Capture your Awesomeness with a Success Journal

Picture it: You’re about to sit down and write your year-end review. Or, you’re revisiting that resume you haven’t touched for five years. You know you need to highlight your accomplishments, but your brain is blank.

Ever notice how it's a breeze to recall the challenges, but when it comes to pinpointing career wins or achievements, it's like our brains go on vacation? This common occurrence is a result of our innate negativity bias, a survival mechanism that tends to overshadow our positive experiences in favor of negative experiences.

It's the reason why we struggle to recall positive experiences when faced with performance reviews or salary negotiations. The bias is so ingrained that it distorts our self-perception, making it challenging to acknowledge the achievements that should be front and center.

Enter the antidote: the Success Journal, a purposeful notebook dedicated to documenting wins, no matter how modest or insignificant you may perceive them to be. This simple practice serves to counterbalance the negativity bias and provides a tangible record of personal and professional accomplishments.

To make this work, though, you have to build a regular habit. The key is activating your short-term memory before your wins have a chance to be forgotten or overlooked.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Select a Journal: Begin by choosing a physical notebook - yes, our memories are also activated by physical writing. Opt for one that inspires you and aligns with your aesthetic preferences. The act of choosing a journal sets a positive tone for the habit-forming journey ahead.

  2. Establish a Regular Reflection Routine: To build this habit effectively, schedule a recurring daily or weekly appointment on your calendar. Consistency is key, so select a time that aligns with your routine and minimizes the likelihood of skipping past it - hint, Friday afternoon isn’t it.

  3. Revisit in Times of Need: Your success journal becomes a valuable resource during critical moments – a confidence boost during challenging times or preparation for that next big thing. It offers a reliable source to reflect on accomplishments, countering the limitations of memory recall.

In a world that often emphasizes challenges over achievements, cultivating a habit of acknowledging and celebrating wins is a profound act of self-care. The success journal serves as a personalized reminder of the journey, spotlighting victories that might otherwise be overlooked.

When should you start? Today! It's never too late to begin capturing your awesomeness.


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